Sunday, April 17, 2011

Birth Mothers Appreciation

As I was part of a birth mothers class, I know just how important the relationships that you make with those other girls truly are. It gives you the reassurance that you are not the only one who makes mistakes and that you are not in this alone. My pregnancy was incredibly difficult and if it wasn't for my mother, Frankie, and the class, I believe I would have really lost it.

I ran across a blog called Birth Mother Baskets the other day and it truly touched me. The appreciation and care that they are showing these girls is so deep and sincere. I wish it was available in Canada.

So since I was once in the BM shoes, I know just how hard it is. The emotional stress that you go through. Even though we kept Michael in the end, the stress of that choice was just as difficult. I had to hurt people who were so excited, their entire family was waiting for our son, yet we couldn't let him go. My family was very upset about it as well as they all felt like the adoptive family had lost a child.

I came up with an idea. An idea that I find perfect since it will not only be for the girls who place their children, but will be there for all the girls no matter what they do, except abortion. I contacted the other girls from my class, Dallas and Megan, and they have both agreed to help me out and they both seemed super excited. My family is going to be joining as well, as part of my family charity project. Project: Angels Keep.

What we will be doing it putting together things that will help with the adjustment process. We are gathering personal testimonials from girls who have placed for adoption, chosen single parenting, or they are raising the baby with the father. We will collect quotes, songs, books, journals, products for pampering, gift certificates, and for the mothers that are keeping we will give them gift certificates for places like Wal- Mart and Superstore and baby clothing stores to help with the cost of raising and feeding a child. Every basket will be filled with love and with things from people who have experienced these things before. We might even go in and talk to the girls and share our stories with them.

The project is called Birth Mothers Appreciation. Since every girl in the class will be giving birth, I consider them all Birth Mothers. No matter what, even if they keep or place for adoption.

If you wish to share your story, or you have quotes or songs that will be appropriate please contact the group at

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